Vincent Bolduc
Comedian, author, and storyteller – Spokesperson since 2008
GRIS-Montréal, which stands for Research and Social Intervention Group, is a non-profit community organization that demystifies sexual orientation and gender identity by sharing testimonies of lived experiences. We are a family of more than 250 volunteers working tirelessly to build a more open and accepting society.
Founded in 1994, GRIS-Montréal is a non-profit community organization. Its mission is to ensure a better awareness of the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities, and to improve the integration of LGBT+ people into society.
Since the values of our youths are being shaped in school, and that sometimes, unfortunately, ignorance can replace understanding, we have chosen to focus our demystification efforts in schools. We work primarily in high schools and CEGEPs in the greater Montréal area, but we have also adapted our interventions for 3rd cycle primary students.
GRIS volunteers are increasingly working with diverse populations such as French-language classes, youth centers, professional workplaces and senior centers.
GRIS-Montréal aims to achieve three main objectives:
Demystify the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities into society.
Carry out research projects related to demystification activities.
Direct individuals needing more information towards other relevant LGBT+ resources.
Also, each of the GRIS-Montréal demystification workshops offered in schools targets these more specific objectives:
Developing self-esteem in youth who are questioning or in the process of affirming their identity and encouraging a positive attitude amongst those around them.
Developing an ability to demystify in order to interact with the outside world.
• Passing on an education process to professionals (particularly with those who work in a school setting) who have a theoretical understanding of sexual orientations and gender identities in order for them to develop new approach and workshop skills with youth and with the general population.
Spreading GRIS-Montréal’s expertise across community and public networks.
Vincent Bolduc
Comedian, author, and storyteller – Spokesperson since 2008
“ I notice that starting in primary school, homophobic and transphobic comments are common and become a form of bullying with serious consequences. That has to stop. ”
Macha Limonchik
Comedian - Spokesperson since 2008
“ For a long time, I’ve dreamt of a school where everyone can develop, discover themselves and experiment freely, without facing contempt, insult and prejudices. By tackling homophobia and transphobia, GRIS-Montréal develops both tolerance and acceptance in the broader sense. It contributes to opening the hearts and minds of these future adults. I love that!!! ”
Organizing more than 1000 workshops each year, ensuring that volunteers get the necessary training to allow them to demystify the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities, contributing to research on homophobia and transphobia in school settings, evaluating the impact of our demystification workshops, and developing new approaches in response to an increasingly varied target clientele are just some of the important responsibilities undertaken by the GRIS-Montréal team.
Training Coordinator
Demystification Coordinator
Research Coordinator
Gender Identity Commitee Coordinator
Executive Director (she)
Executive Director
Planning and succession coordination officer
Research officer
Research professional
Operations Manager
Training and development officer
Training and development officer
Communications Officer
Mobilization and development officer
Administrative clerk
The membership committee’s goal is to support membership recruitment and retention. In order to better reflect the diversity in the classrooms that are visited, there is a particular focus on women, trans and non-binary people, and people from cultural communities.
Since its creation in 1994, GRIS-Montreal has distinguished itself by the rigor of its method and the scope of its work. The organization has an excellent reputation in the fields of education, health and community action and has been rewarded more than once for its work in the demystification of homosexuality and of bisexuality among the population.
2019 : Canada's Volunteer Awards
Category "Social Innovation"
2017 : Together Against Intimidation Award from the Ministère de la Famille
The GRIS of Quebec
2014 : Prix Phénicia (Chamber of commerce LGBT of Québec)
New community implications
[for the success of the Disorientation evening organized in April 2014 with the support of the National Bank]
2013 : Prix Phénicia (Chamber of commerce LGBT of Québec)
[for the Artists on the Move, Citizens in the making.]
2011 : Prix Phénicia (Chamber of commerce LGBT of Québec)
[for the important contribution of Marie Houzeau, CEO of GRIS as a "member of a recognized professional order that has distinguished itself by the quality, creativity, longevity of its services within the LGBT community or by increases radiation. "]
2011 : Léo-Guindon Prize (Alliance des professeures et professeurs de Montréal)
[for the involvement of GRIS and its social contribution to the educational work]
2010 : Prix d’Excellence du ministère de la santé et des services sociaux catégorie « Prévention, promotion et protection de la santé et du bien-être »
[for our work and its impact on Quebec society]
2010 : Bourse de l’Association des médecins psychiatres du Québec (AMPQ)
[for our mission and contribution to the mental health of Quebeckers]
2008 : Prix Hommage bénévolat-Québec
Organization in action
[for our ability to innovate and implement strategies to coach, support and promote volunteer engagement]
2008 : Prix Phénicia
[for the quality of our services, which has attracted media attention to the LGBT community]
2003 : Prix Organisme du Conseil Québécois LGBT
[for our contribution to the development of the gay and lesbian community]
Members of GRIS-Montréal
2023-Marie Houzeau
Knight of the Order of Montreal
2019-Marie Houzeau
HR Recognition Award - NPO Category of the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés
2018 - David Platts
Medal of the National Assembly
2018 - Michèle Brousseau
Finalist for the Volunteer Manager Award - The Volunteer Bureau of Montreal
2016 – Marie Houzeau
Prix Femmes de mérite - Engagement social du Y des Femmes de Montréal
2016 – Marie Houzeau
National Assembly Medal
2015 – Robert Pilon
Tribute Award, 40 Years of the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms
2015 – Robert Pilon
LGBT Council of Quebec Premiere Award
[for his book "Models wanted: homosexuality and bisexuality told otherwise"]
2014 – Olivier Vallerand
Volunteer Emeritus of the City of Montreal
2014 – Robert Pilon
Grand prix du Conseil québécois LGBT
2013 – Robert Pilon
Volunteer Emeritus of the City of Montreal
2013 - Janik Bastien-Charlebois
National Assembly Medal
2012 – Robert Asselin
Prix Bénévole par excellence
2012 - Robert Asselin
Médaille de l’Assemblée nationale
2011 – Robert Asselin
Prix Phénicia – Catégorie bénévole
2011 – Pierre Ravary
National Assembly Medal
2009 – Réal Boucher
National Assembly Medal
2008 – Robert Pilon
National Assembly Medal
2008 – Pierre Ravary
Prix Phénicia – Catégorie bénévole