A professional confidential and free intervention service for young people in Quebec.
Bilingual help and information line for people concerned about sexual orientation and gender identity.
Through a website, it aims to help individuals grow with regard to their sexual orientation, their gender identity or their sexuality.
Jeunesse Lambda
A French-speaking discussion and activity group for LGBTQ+ and questioning youth from 14-25 years old.
Projet 10
It empowers young LGBTQ+ or questioning youth from 14-25 years old at the individual, institutional and community level.
Gender Creative Kids, the website, provides resources for supporting and affirming gender creative kids within their families, schools and communities.
It works to fight homophobia within the Montréal Lebanese community and to support Lebanese or Arabic-speaking GLBT individuals in Montréal.
Living spaces for LGBTQ youth 25 years and younger in Montréal.
Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse
Responsible for enforcing the Charte québécoise des droits et libertés de la personne and monitoring the rights of children.
All of these resources and many more are available in Interligne’s LGBT resource guide.